Practical information for Hoorn

On this page you find all sorts of useful information for your city trip to Hoorn. Information that helps you easily find tourist points, train stations and convenient places to park your car.

Tourist information points in Hoorn

Toeristisch Informatie Punt

The TIP is located on the Oostereiland in the harbour of Hoorn. In addition to tourist information, you will find typical Dutch and West Frisian souvenirs.


Public transport in city center

NS Station Hoorn

This train station is located on the north side of the city centre. Take the main exit and walk to the city centre in a few minutes.


Parking in and around the center

The overview below shows a number of suggested parking places in and around the center of Hoorn. An extensive list of parking options and prices can be found at: centrumparkeren and prettigparkeren.

Parkeergarage Schouwburg Het Park

This not too large parking garage is located on the west side below the theatre near the city centre of Hoorn. The driving height is somewhat limited.


Parkeergarage 't Jeudje

This municipal car park is located on the northeast side close to the centre of Hoorn.


Parkeerterrein Visserseiland

Pretty large car park near the southern Grashaven. You can park relatively cheap and walk from there to the city centre.


Parkeerterrein Nieuwe Wal

At the car parks ABC and Nieuwe Wal at the Julianapark you can park for free. In more than 10 minutes walk you are in the historic center.


P+R Station

Behind the station on the north side of Hoorn is this large car park. Via the walkway over the railway you walk into the city in more than 5 minutes.


Opening hours shopping

The overview below contains the usual opening hours for shops in the city center of Hoorn.

Monday 13:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00 - shopping evening
Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Saterday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 12:00 - 17:00 - niet altijd alle winkels


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