Nijmegen is a nice shopping town in the east of the country. In the historic centre you will find a varied range of clothing shops, boutiques, home shops, gift shops and deli shops. In the Broerstraat, Ziekerstraat, Marikenstraat and Plein 1944 are mainly the large retail chains. If you are looking for unique products, a visit to the Lange Hezelstraat in the Lower Town should not be missed. In this oldest shopping street in the Netherlands you definitely succeed at one of the many authentic shops. But don't forget the Stikke Hezelstraat, Houtstraat, Sint Stevenskerkhof and Van Welderenstraat. Quickly save your favorite spots for a day of shopping on your own city guide and set off.
By purchasing one of the playful tea blends you give employment to people who are away from the labour market.
Hidden behind large industrial gates you will find De Fabriek. Formerly a storage place for wood, now a very nice lunchroom and concept store.
For responsibly produced bags, wallets and belts, Bear Lifestyle is good. Here you walk out of the store with a cool copy.
For artisanal chocolate products, Chocola Belga is good. And don't forget the delicious nougat, biscuits and other sweets.
Bookworms can indulge themselves in the world of exciting stories, games and audiobooks at Kinderboekwinkel Nijmegen.
With no less than 1500 types of whiskies, 400 types of wines and 375 (special) beers, Versailles Drinks is the place for lovers of drinks.
Step into Silverado Westernstore and imagine yourself in the world of cowboy boots, western hats, clothing items and many different accessories.
Step into Make My Day and taste the total experience of shopping and relaxing. For both men and women, you will score unique finds here.
Step into Vinylarchief and look around at your leisure between the records, LPs, CDs and DVDs. Every product is a wonderful addition to your collection.
Give your decor a new boost by entering Le Petit Rêve and snooping around the wide range of styles.
Rural home accessories, cool furniture and special antiques. Heydenrijck Wonen has a nice assortment with attention to personal advice.
Are you looking for a unique piece of furniture or home accessory? Ochre and Red is a shop full of surprises with colourful, honestly produced items.
With a beautiful collection full of brands from different countries, Ming & Mikis is guaranteed to score beautiful clothing items and accessories.
The real cheese head can indulge at Cheese Trade de Wit where the assortment consists of a range of delicious domestic and foreign cheeses.
At Art Fashion you don't walk out of the store without having scored a unique, beautiful clothing item and the staff are always ready to help.
Looking for a nice base in Nijmegen? Philipse Koffie & Brocante is the perfect place to recover, eat and score brocante.
Fashion and creativity come together at Coef Concept Store where you not only score trendy shoes and accessories, but also create a new hairstyle.
At Strik Patisserie you enter the world of delicious pastries, creamy chocolates and fresh bread. Everything is top quality!
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