Let yourself be intrigued by five centuries of science. Discover microscopes, the oldest heliocentric planetarium and visit the anatomical theatre.
In Rijksmuseum Boerhaave you look out, and there is a lot to do. What are the most important discoveries in our Dutch science history? What researchers were behind it and how much impact do their discoveries have on our lives today? Find out more about their inventions and think along with the big questions of today.
Take your hands off and explore the Golden Age, listen like a real doctor through the first stethoscope, and step into the engineer's world and find out how ultra-fast the fastest computer is.
Rijksmuseum Boerhaave also brings the collection online to you, in preparation for your museum visit. On the website of the museum you will find stories from our collection and virtual tours. Discover the world of science from home!
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