Photo Het Feithhuis in Groningen, Eat & drink, Coffee, Lunch, Drink, Diner - #1

Het Feithhuis

In the shadow of the Martinikerk you will find't Feithhuis, the meeting place of Groningen. Here you can relax, eat and drink.

't Feithhuis is located at the Martinikerkhof. After entering the stairs you enter the central hall where you can view the entire ground floor at a glance. Inside you can sit on lazy, leather chairs. Reading at the large reading table is also possible as well as some food in the restaurant. In the city café of't Feithhuis you can continue to enjoy beers, drinks and bittergarnituur between the students and Groningers. The terrace garden completes the whole and also offers you a wonderful place in the sun. All in all a nice piece of Groningen.

Eat & drink - Coffee, tea & cakes , Lunch , Drink , Dining

Het Feithhuis
Martinikerkhof 10
9712JG Groningen
0503135335 0503135335
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